I have been practicing massage therapy for over 14 years, specializing in pre and post natal treatment, neuromuscular therapy, myofascial techniques and medical massage. Every person's constellation o...
I have been practicing massage therapy for over 14 years, specializing in pre and post natal treatment, neuromuscular therapy, myofascial techniques and medical massage. Every person's constellation of experience, activities, injuries, and ways of being combine to create a unique expression of the human being. Your individuality is what keeps me continually fascinated and engaged in the practice of massage therapy. No two sessions are alike, even for the same person. I have dedicated my life to the healing arts, learning from various mentors in the realms of bodywork, healing cooking, herbalism, yoga and other movement practices, while maintaining a steady practice of self exploration that includes meditation, movement, contemplative explorations and quantum healing with various plant medicines.
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